Wednesday, August 26, 2020
How Social Work Has Influenced The 21st Century Social Work Essay
How Social Work Has Influenced The 21st Century Social Work Essay The social work calling advances social change, critical thinking in human connections and the strengthening and freedom of individuals to improve prosperity (International Federation of Social Workers). Using hypotheses of human conduct and social frameworks, social work intercedes at the focuses where individuals cooperate with their condition. Standards of human rights and social equity are essential to social work. In doing their everyday work, a social laborer is required to be proficient and skilful in an assortment of jobs. The job that is chosen and utilized ought to in a perfect world be the job that is best with a specific customer, in the specific conditions. Social laborer might be associated with a couple or these jobs relying upon the idea of their activity, and the way to deal with training that they use. The motivation behind this article is to distinguish the foundation, development and advancement of social work in Britain, from its starting points in the nineteenth century to its situation in the twenty-first century. The Elizabethan Poor Law or Old Poor Law was an Act of Parliament went in 1601, which made a national poor law framework for England and Wales. At the hour of passing it was alluded to as the 1601 Act for the Relief of the Poor. It formalized before practices of poor help appropriation in England and Wales and is commonly viewed as a refinement. Johnson (2007) clarifies that The Old Poor Law was not one law but rather an assortment of laws went between the sixteenth and eighteenth hundreds of years. The frameworks authoritative unit was the ward. It was anything but an incorporated government strategy yet a law, which made individual areas liable for Poor Law enactment. The barren destitute (individuals who cannot work) were to be thought about in almshouse or a poorhouse. The law offered alleviation to individuals who couldn't work: principally the individuals who were weak, inept, old, dazzle The physically fit poor were to be set to work in a House of Industry. Materials were to be accommodated poor people to be set to work. The inert poor and transients were to be sent to a House of Correction or even jail. Beggar youngsters would become understudies. The demonstration was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed by the Whig legislature of Lord Melbourne that improved the countrys neediness alleviation framework. It was an Amendment Act that totally supplanted before enactment dependent on the Poor Law of 1601. The Bill set up a Poor Law Commission. This incorporated the shaping together of little wards into Poor Law Unions and the structure of workhouses in every association for the giving of poor help. The Amendment Act didn't boycott all types of outside alleviation, which was support without going into workhouses until the 1840s where the main strategy for help for the poor was to enter a Workhouse. As per Barwell (1994) the workhouses were to be made minimal more than detainment facilities and families were typically isolated after entering a Workhouse. The Act called for areas to be placed into Poor Law Unions so alleviation could be given all the more without any problem. Every association was to build up a wor khouse, which met the guideline of less qualification. In nineteenth century England there was a scope of occupations and deliberate positions, which had been built up as a major aspect of the new Poor Law (1834), The Charity Organization Society (COS), just as by strict and intentional social orders. Alleviating officials had duties according to open air help, which was help, as cash, food, dress or merchandise, given to the poor without the prerequisite to enter an organization, for example, workhouses. This was an option in contrast to indoor alleviation, which expected individuals to enter the workhouse (Rose, 1971). The COS upheld the standards of the new Poor Law (1834), whos point was to co ordinate crafted by magnanimous giving for the meriting poor. The 1906 1914 Liberal Reforms were acts passed by the Whig administration of Lord Melbourne that improved the countrys destitution help framework. It was an Amendment Act that totally supplanted before enactment dependent on the Poor Law of 1601. The Bill built up a Poor Law Commission. This incorporated the shaping together of little wards into Poor Law Unions and the structure of workhouses in every association for the giving of poor help. The Amendment Act didn't boycott all types of open air help, which was support without going into workhouses until the 1840s where the main technique for alleviation for the poor was to enter a Workhouse. The Workhouses were to be made minimal more than penitentiaries and families were regularly isolated after entering a Workhouse. The Act called for wards to be placed into Poor Law Unions with the goal that help could be given all the more without any problem. Every association was to set up a workhouse, which met the standard of less qualification. The 1942 Beveridge Report was an administration authorized report into the manners in which that Britain ought to be reconstructed after World War Two; Beveridge was an undeniable decision to assume responsibility, Woodward (2009). He distributed his report in 1942 and suggested that the legislature should discover methods of battling the five Giant Evils of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. The Beveridge Report of 1942 proposed an arrangement of National Insurance, in view of three presumptions: family stipends, a National Health Service, and full work. The 1944 Butler Education Act changed the instruction framework for optional schools in England and Wales. This Act was named after the Conservative government official R.A. Head servant who presented the Tripartite System of optional instruction and made auxiliary training free for all students. The tripartite framework comprised of three unique sorts of auxiliary school, optional specialized schools and auxiliary current schools. The first structure of the NHS (1946) in England and Wales had three perspectives, known as the tripartite framework. Fourteen Regional Hospital Boards were made in England and Wales to manage most of emergency clinic administrations. In essential consideration GPs were self employed entities (that is they were not salaried workers) and would be paid for every individual on their rundown. At long last in network administrations, maternity and kid government assistance centers, wellbeing guests, birthing assistants, wellbeing training, inoculation vaccination and emergency vehicle benefits along with natural wellbeing administrations were the obligation of neighborhood specialists. During the Second World War the issue of dark pilgrims in Britain turned into an issue, because of the war, dark laborers and warriors showed up from the provinces to battle in the British armed force to help with the war exertion. Around then there were worry about the social results of the appearance of new dark transients, anyway migrants from the provinces that the administration supported were enrolled by the British state explicitly to determine work deficiencies. Richmond (1954). After the war, migration in Britain was on the ascent after groups of the laborers from the states came and settled. During the 1970s 80s examination concentrates on race and board lodging were led in a number urban communities like Nottingham, Liverpool and Birmingham, Simpson (1981) reasoned that dark candidates for chamber lodging stood by longer at that point white individuals. The examination distinguished that the normal dark family were bigger in size and required bigger lodging at that point white individuals, the gathering once in a while offered 4 bed lives lodging since it was viewed as empowering enormous families and the destitution that typically accompanies huge common laborers families. This is standardized bigotry, McPherson (1999). The Race Relations Act 1968 was a British Act of Parliament making it unlawful to reject lodging, business, or open administrations to an individual on the grounds of shading, race, ethnic or national starting points. It additionally made the Community Relations Commission to advance agreeable network relations. The Housing Act 1980 was an Act of Parliament passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom that gave 5,000,000 chamber house occupants in England and Wales the Right to purchase their home from their neighborhood authority. The first of four components prompting The 1990 NHS and Community Care Act is the legislature at that point, from 1979 to 1997 the Conservative party needed to move British governmental issues to one side from post war progressivism under Margaret Thatcher. As indicated by Taylor (1972) The Conservatives put stock in self improvement so they were supportive of the casual carer where individuals would think about their own loved ones at home. Margaret Thatcher lectured Laissez faire A monetary hypothesis from the eighteenth century that is emphatically restricted to any administration mediation in business issues, it actually implies disregard things Margaret Thatcher needed to end the possibility of the administration dealing with you, for individuals to take care of themselves and stop Britain being a granny state. Demography is the investigation of populace seeing things like births, passings, relationships and movement. England is in a segment delayed bomb, its kin are getting more seasoned because of the improvement of sanitation in the course of the only remaining century, which is the most noteworthy ever. This implies individuals are living longer; there is an enormous increment in future. As the populace develops, the extent of individuals matured under 16 has dipped under those over state benefits age. Future during childbirth in the UK has risen ( Pre 1990 Margaret Thatcher needed to address addresses, for example, what number of all the more older would we be able to home? Who is going to take care of them? Who is going to pay for it? The issue of the old Victorian geriatric wards were unreasonably costly to run and keep up. The segment issue was another factor that prompted the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. Before 1990 The NHS and Social Services were considered excessively inefficient and costly. Thatcher needed a blended economy of government assistance where free, private parts and Social administrations take care of and treat individuals; she needed them to compet
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Concept of Flexibility
Presentation Pilbeam and Corbridge characterized adaptability as the capacity of an association to adjust the important people’s contributions to terms of sythesis, size, cost and responsiveness so as to adequately meet hierarchical objectives and goals (Pilbeam Corbridge, 2010). Instances of researchers who have expounded on the idea of adaptability are Taylor and Atkinson (Cheng Jarvis, 1996).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The Concept of Flexibility explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are different sorts of adaptability and they incorporate money related, numerical, practical, fleeting and locational adaptabilities. These work to guarantee that associations are not understaffed or congested (CIPD, 2012). Budgetary adaptability has to do with the capacity of an association to convey monetary assets just where important and keeping away from superfluous expenses in authoritative procedures. Useful adaptability is the assignment of authoritative capacities to explicit people. It additionally has to do with the capacity of an association to have a workforce which can perform different assignments at some random time. Numerical adaptability has to do with the staffing of associations relying upon how much work is accessible at some random time (Acas, 2012). Transient adaptability is the commitment of laborers on brief premise, also called authoritative business while locational adaptability is the capacity of an association to encourage its representatives to work from their homes in order to cut on key infrastructural costs, for example, office space and transport (CIPD, 2013). The driving enthusiasm of the subject of adaptability in the UK is the need to change the work showcase. In 2003, the UK government acquainted the privilege with work in an adaptable way particularly for parental figures and representatives with youngsters matured six years and beneath. In 2009, the privilege was stretched out to incorp orate guardians with offspring of as long as sixteen years. Nonetheless, the privilege was appreciated by those representatives who had been in work for in any event 26 weeks (Flexibility, 2012). Presently, over 90% of all workers in the UK approach in any event one type of adaptable work with low maintenance business driving with 72% of all representatives followed by adaptable time at half while work sharing comes third at 45%. Some 37% of all representatives work in compacted weeks while 24% work at home (Hooker, Neathey, Casebourne Munro, 2007). As indicated by Atkinson’s model, adaptability has the upside of diminishing worker turnover and saving money on the expenses of enrollment. It lessens instances of truancy just as improves client support since representatives function according to the given courses of events (Vallespir, 2010).Advertising Looking for paper on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% O FF Learn More Discussion Atkisons, while working at the Institute of Manpower Studies turned out to be notable for his adaptable model in any case knwon as the ‘flexible firm’. Since 1980s, the adaptable firm model has picked up prominence particularly for its expectation and capacity to rebuild the work division over the world and particularly in the United Kingdom. This followed the money related cricis of 1980s which barely hit numerous organizations. The organizations in this way selected to apply the thoughts of Atkisons in order to endure (Murray, Poole, Jones, 2006). The center guideline of the model is the division of representatives into lasting or ‘core’ and low maintenance or ‘periperal’ workers. The ‘core’ representatives chip away at all day premise while the low maintenance representatives deal with contract premise. The general goal of Atkisons model was the improvement of the nature of work and administrations offer ed by different firms. In deciding the ‘core’ workers, a firm is typically guided by the aptitudes controlled by individuals. In essense, ‘core’ workers have uncommon abilities and that is the reason they are locked in consistently. This isn't to state or infer that the ‘periperal’ representatives must be in control of poor aptitudes yet what it implies is that the ‘core’ workers need to groups the capacity to perform multiple tasks. For instance, an individual who is prepared as a bookkeeper can likewise groups aptitudes in key administration, which can be valuable to the association. This worker is better held by an association since the individual is a significant resouce to it. Associations likewise foucs on preparing and retraining of the ‘core’ workers every once in a while to empower them to perform multiple tasks. Then again, it's anything but an absolute necessity for ‘periperal’ representatives t o forces more than one aptitude since they are recruited for a particular timeframe to embrace explicit errands. At the point when the assignments are not there, there is no need of having the people on the compensation list on the grounds that such a demonstration would mean, that the association woud be acquiring superfluous expediture, which would somehow been utilized in other valuable and productive exercises. Periperal laborers are increasingly sucseptible to cutbacks particularly during money related emergency. A succesful adaptable firm ordinarily has work adaptability and business adaptability. Work adaptability incorporates things like foundation of work groups or gatherings, schedulling of work and how outstanding task at hand is adjusted inside an association. Business adaptability has to do with drawing in representatives either on perpetual or brief premise or according to need. For organizations to viably actualize the Atiksons’ model, there is requirement for coordinated effort between the companies’s CEOs and the work force offices, which essencially manages human asset the executives. There is the requirement for the two to mutually build up a hierarchical startegy, especialy as to staffing. Correspondence between the two is accordingly a key ingridient for the succes of the model since businesses continue changing and therefore the should be continually strategic.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The Concept of Flexibility explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The need to grasp the adaptable firm model is additionally founded on the changing idea of the world particularly with respect to data and correspondence innovation which has made it a lot simpler to work at home or some other spot of the worker’s convinience. Numerous organizations over the United Kingom and the European Union have held onto innovation as a methods for cutting costs on office space, furniture, transport and othe r physical foundation. Ostensibly, there has been a radical depature from concentrating on the equipment parts of work to concentrating on the product parts of work. This means associations can connect with individuals who can work from their home, if they can comprehend their jobs and how to release those jobs in a proficient and compelling way. There has additionally been the development of the training division, which has seen numerous scholastic foundations present online scholarly projects, for example, certificate and experts progrms (VanNostrand Brekke, 1997). Understudies are enlisted for specific projects after which they are send the course materials online to learn at their home and just go to the foundations for tests. A few foundations even go to the stretch out of offering the tests on the web. A genuine case of an organization which has been rehearsing this method of study is the Liverpool University which offers experts programs through an online stage. This has empo wered numerous students to get to training and furthermore empowered the foundation to cut on the expenses of employing lectureres and for building classes and buying other learning framework (Kanigel, 1997). Adaptability in the United Kingdom is a subject of significant intrigue both to the businesses and representatives. As referenced in the presentation, the idea has been instituionalized since 2003 when the legislature through enactment gave representatives with youngsters matured six years and underneath the option to work flexiblby (Study mode, 2013). As per a review led by third work-life balance manager, greater part (92%) of UK bosses said they were willing to stupendous their representatives a chance to work deftly (Brown Remenyi, 2004). Be that as it may, about 27% of the talked with representatives said they needed to move toward their bosses to demand to work in an adaptable way notwithstanding the enactment requring all representatives with youngsters matured as long a s sixteen years the option to work deftly. This means the businesses generally acknowledged the thought simply because of the legisaltion (Department for Work and Pensions, 2009).Advertising Searching for article on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The overview further uncovered that females were bound to demand to work deftly than their male partners. Lion's share (68%) of the individuals who made such demands had been in the work for at any rate a half year while 21 % who made such demands had been in the work for under a half year. The overview uncovered absence of mindfulness about the enactments giving representatives the option to work deftly (Department for Work and Pensions, 2009). This is because of the high number of representatives (19%) who applied to work deftly without them fitting the bill for the equivalent. So as to expand the degrees of mindfulness, the Britain government has set up projects and plans to urge bosses to receive all the more family cordial work arragments in order to permit however many representatives as could be expected under the circumstances gain admittance to adaptable working. A case of such projects is the Building Britain recuperation of 2009 (Department for Work and Pensions, 2009). As of late in the UK, there have been calls for bosses to guarantee that their representatives are at freedom to pick what time to work and at which area (House of Commons business board of trustees, 2007). This has been required b
Thursday, August 13, 2020
In Appreciation of Productive Fridays
In Appreciation of Productive Fridays One of the things that I wish I could tell my high school self is just how exited I am to get to do the things that I do here at Illinois, even when life gets busy. Really, even by the time Friday rolls around every week, Im still happy to go to my classes and my internship, because even though certain things are more challenging, theyre fun, and make me want to keep going! Also, the people that I get to see everyday make me want to continue doing the best that I can. I guess that what Im getting at is that I truly appreciate how my schedule motivates me to be as productive as possible, even on a Friday afternoon! Sarah Class of 2018 I'm from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm majoring in Communication in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Hamlet Research Paper - 1538 Words
The Revenge Amongst the Characters of Hamlet But that the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country, from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have, Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought(Shakespeare pg.124). Revenge causes one to act blindly through anger, rather than through reason. It is based on the principle of an eye for an eye, but this principle is not always an intelligent theory to live by. Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet were all looking to avenge the deaths of their fathers. They all act on emotion, and this leads to the†¦show more content†¦This is the use of Fortinbras expressing his anger but not using it in a way which could harm his country, and compensating by allowing him to express himself (Bloom pg 49). Fortinbras uncle may have saved his life right there because he very well could have been killed in his attack against Denmark this also saves a lot of heartache between the two countries. This also shows that Fortinbras is a very strong character, he assembles his army he gets ready to avenge his father but when he is told to think twice, he does. Oooh, Ahhh, is heard while the watchmen are at point. They look for the strange sound and nothing is thought of it except that it was a ghost. Marcellus one of guards hints that this may reveal something very big as he states, Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (Shakespeare pg 124). Although deeply sorrowed by his fathers death, Hamlet did not consider payback as an option until he meets with the lost of his father. His ghost tells him that he has been killed unjustly and with his rights still on his soul. One moment he pretends he is too cowardly to perform the deed, at another he questions the truthfulness of the ghost (McConnell pg 157). The ghost then tells Hamlet, to revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (Sh akespeare pg.124). However, upon his fathers command, Hamlet reluctantly swears to retaliate against Claudius. Hamlet does this not because he wants to,Show MoreRelatedThe Third Congressional District Of Hamlet Research Paper1498 Words  | 6 Pagesmasters degree from the London School of Economics and Columbia University. DeLauro is now married to Stan Greenberg a political strategist and has three children. DeLauro has been an ovarian cancer survivor for 32 years now, and continues funding research in finding an effective screening test to catch ovarian cancer early in future victims. DeLauro is quite wealthy and is one of the fifty richest members of Congress. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Slaughterhouse-Five Futile Search for Meaning Essay
Critics often suggest that Kurt Vonnegut’s novels represent a man’s desperate, yet, futile search for meaning in a senseless existence.nbsp; Vonnegut’s novel, Slaughterhouse-Five, displays this theme.nbsp; Kurt Vonnegut uses a narrator, which is different from the main character.nbsp; He uses this technique for several reasons. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Kurt Vonnegut introduces Slaughterhouse Five in the first person.nbsp; In the second chapter, however, this narrator changes to a mere bystander.nbsp; Vonnegut does this for a specific reason.nbsp; He wants the reader to realize that the narrator and Billy Pilgrim, the main character, are two different people.nbsp; In order to do this,†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Kurt Vonnegut does not want to glorify war.nbsp; The narrator made a vow to nbsp;O’Hare’s wife, in chapter one, that the story would not do this.nbsp; â€Å"...I give my word of honor.nbsp; I’ll call it the children’s crusade.†nbsp; In order to do this, Vonnegut makes the main character a simple man.nbsp; His name is Billy Pilgrim.nbsp; His mission is to avoid anything that requires action or responsibility.nbsp; This causes him to avoid finding meaning in his life; he regards the world as chaotic.nbsp; The senseless act of war causes Billy to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Life and Circumstantial Luck Free Essays
Tic- toc. Tic- toc. Do I go left or do I go right? All these years I have been following the road of life and now it is in my power to take the road that leads to my final destination. We will write a custom essay sample on Life and Circumstantial Luck or any similar topic only for you Order Now Along the way, I have traveled on many types of surfaces, but now I face my greatest challenge. I am stuck between two paths. One path leads to eternal happiness and other leads to eternal sadness. Is it in my destiny to choose the right path? Or will it just be my luck to choose the wrong path? Do I go left or do I go right? Tic- toc. Tic- toc. Life. It is such a simple word, yet the meaning is nothing close to simple at all. We all take a journey on the fabulous road to life, yet does anyone even know what life is? I mean we all live it, but what is it? Anyone know the definition? ( I’d surely would like to know. ) Well if no one truly doesn’t know the answer to life then how can we know for sure why things happen the way they do? Is there some kind of spiritual force out there? Is there some person or thing controlling our every move? Or do things just happen just because they do; coincidences and forces that we have no control over? No one really knows if a god really exists, so things just happen because they just do. Things happen because of coincidences and forces we have no control over. Our life is then based on luck, isn’t it? Think about it this way, luck refers to something that which happens beyond a person’s control. This view incorporates phenomena that chance happenings, a person’s place of birth for example, but where there is no uncertainty involved or where uncertainty is irrelevant. (Huh? English please. ) In other words, luck is just something that we have no control over and just happens. However, there are a few different types of luck. Constitutional luck, it is luck with factors that can’t be changed. Circumstantial luck, it is luck with factors that are haphazardly brought on. Lastly ignorance luck, it is luck with factors one doesn’t know about. (So, where does this luck come in play? ) Luck can be seen everywhere, whether it be in movies, books, paintings, or reality. We live our lives experiencing luck every day. As we step foot into a casino or acquire a lottery ticket, we unlock the emerald doorway to our chances. Chance is the key to any time of game. We spin the wheel of fortune hoping that it will land on something pleasant. Often in literature, luck plays a significant role. When we think of luck, we think of lucky number 7 or the colour green. But in reality, luck isn’t that clear. It is a mystery hidden behind the shadows. Some people are blinded by the concept of destiny that they don’t realize that it is luck that is aiding them. In one of the greatest plays written, Othello, the main character is a person who you would think is unaccepted by society, but is loved. Othello is a moor and a Muslim from Africa. He is this dark angel that many are afraid of, yet love. During the 1600s, only men of noble decent became generals with a few exceptions here and there. But a Moor becoming a general was just a preposterous idea. Regardless of this fact, Othello thinks that it was because of his accomplishments that made him become who he is. He had fought in many wars and then Brabantio had invited him to stay with him and â€Å"still questioned [him] the story of [his] life from year to year, the battle, sieges, fortune that [he had] passed. (Othello, 1. 3, 128-130) A white man had shown interest in a black man regardless of the racism in the world at that time. (How does that happen? ) Nevertheless, Othello somehow becomes a general before even meeting Brabantio and coming to Venice. How became a general, is a question no one has an answer to. We can accept the belief that his accomplishments made him successful, but with racism being a major factor no thing seems to add up. We can say that it was in his destiny to become a general, but really is that really the case? It is more of a matter of pure luck that Othello obtains such a high rank in society. Overcoming such obstacles especially in the 1600s was simply impossible. A black man could never have a higher rank than even a white surf. White was always greater than black. Goodness always prevails. (Well back then it did. Now does it? Yeah, not so much). So for Othello to have become a general it could not have been because of his accomplishments, it had to have been of random occurrence that made him just a bit better than a white surf and to move up the chain of success. To have luck take control of your life, neither wits nor feelings are involved- just possibility. We depend on random occurrences to aid us for the better. â€Å"Luck never gives; it only lends,†(E. B. White) If life does revolve around luck then you must pay a price for the goodness. You may get lucky for a while, but since luck never gives, it takes back the luck and it is why we experience karma. Luck may give us marvellous things, but sometime along the road all of it gets taken back. Yet the whole concept of luck doesn’t seem to quite add up. Random occurrences and things happening beyond a person’s control do exist, but not everything is random. Life on earth couldn’t have begun randomly. There must have been something that created all of this and luck- just doesn’t seem to quite explain why. Many religions in the world either agree or disagree with the concept of luck. Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, taught his followers not to believe in luck. The view which was taught by Gautama Buddha states that all things which happen must have a cause, either material or spiritual, and do not occur due to luck, chance or fate. The idea of moral causality, karma is central in Buddhism. In the Sutta Nipata ,the Buddha is recorded as having said the following about luck: â€Å"Whereas some religious men, while living of food provided by the faithful make their living by such low arts, such wrong means of livelihood as palmistry, divining by signs, interpreting dreams†¦ bringing good or bad luck†¦ invoking the goodness of luck†¦ picking the lucky site for a building, the monk Gautama refrains from such low arts, such wrong means of livelihood. †Lakshmi, is the Hindu Devi of money and fortune. It is said that by proper worship, with a meticulous prayer procedure the blessings of this powerful deity may be obtained. However, the Catholic Church excludes chance or luck as an explanation for creation. As well, there is no concept of luck in Islam other than actions pre-determined by God and that God alone has power over all things. It is stated in the Qur’an that one’s sustenance is pre-determined in heaven when the Lord says: â€Å"And in the heaven is your provision and that which ye are promised. †However, one should supplicate towards God to better one’s life rather than hold faith in un-Islamic acts such as using â€Å"lucky charms†. Religion is the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. (Thank you dictionary. com) Whether one be atheist or follow a certain religion, one still has a belief in something. Many follow religions so they can give the creator of life a name; God. Many believe that God is the spiritual being that has created what we call the universe. No one knows for sure if he exists or not, but many want to believe that he does. In addition, throughout humanity, many messengers of God have walked the surface of the Earth and this gives more of a reason for people to believe that God exists. If God really does exist, then he must be the Supreme Being that had created life for us humans. Hence, he has already planned our life in a way, but in order to fulfil our life we have to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The bits and pieces are scattered everywhere and it is not easy to find them all nor is it to put them together. Along the way pieces can get damaged or lost. When pieces of the puzzle get damaged it means that your life is going bad or something is not going good, but can still repair your life. Sometimes pieces can get lost to the point where you have not enough pieces to complete the puzzle. In that case you make bad decisions and then something tragic happens to your life, which can result in death. This can be seen as how people die at a young age. Some young individuals make the wrong decisions and then it ends up costing them their life. Searching for the pieces is not as easy as it sounds. The pieces can be right in front of us, but we second guess ourselves and don’t know where to look. Often times we seek advice from fortune tellers and prophets. We go to seek for any clues of the future and hope that we can find our right path. And other times, people tell us what our destiny is and it is what we believe and try to achieve. This is most often seen in movies and books about heroes. Many character archetypes are based on the concept of a hero. The hero is a larger-than-life character that often goes on some kind of journey or quest. In the course of his journey, the hero demonstrates the qualities and abilities valued by his culture. How to cite Life and Circumstantial Luck, Essays
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Forms of EMH The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
Question: Explain the meaning and forms of EMH. Explain the logic behind EMH. Present the evidence that researchers offer for and against each form of EMH. Explain how an asset price bubble can be rational, i.e. consistent with EMH. Evaluate the housing and mortgage-backed security price bubbles that brought on the recent financial crisis and concluded on whether they were rational or irrational. The essay has been written clearly and concisely and not exceeded the word limit. Answer: Introduction In financial economics, many studies have been carried out on efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and this interest has been triggered by various reasons. According to Fama(1970), EMH refers to an investment hypothesis which postulates that it is hard to make abnormal profits due to stock market efficiency. In this case, an efficient stock market enables the prevailing stock prices to factor in and incorporate entire relevant information within a short period. EMH is divided into three types notably; weak-form, semi-strong form as well as strong form EMH. This classification is dependent on the extent and speed at which the stock prices incorporate any new information that intrudes the market. Based on the literature, the risk-weighted return is greater in markets that are inefficient in comparison to efficient markets (Sewell, 2012). For this reason, the studies undertaken on stock market efficiency tend to be significant for both individuals as well as institutional investors. Additionally, strong knowledge of market efficiency is vital among corporate managers as their decisions influence the market value of their firms. Lastly, the EMH is often treated as a supposition in many financial models. The studies conducted on EMH have given rise to numerous contradicting arguments among the scholars. In this regard, this essay presents the arguments for and arguments against the EMH. To substantiate the claims, the essay provides corresponding evidence to the arguments. Then, the essay expounds on the effect of the recent financial crisis on EMH and winding up with a summary of the discussions. Arguments for and against and Evidence of EMH Short-term momentum which involves under reaction to any information intruding the market The initial empirical studies anchoring the viewpoint of randomness in share prices focused on determinants of short-run serial correlations exhibited by consecutive stock price movements. Overall, this study operated on the premise that the stock market lacks memory. This implied that the previous stock behaviour is irrelevant in determining its future behaviour as noted by Cootner (1964). In another research, Lo and MacKinlay (1999) established that short-run serial correlations were non-zero. More so, the presence of unnecessarily many fluctuations towards similar direction drew them to deny the fact that share prices exhibit random walk behaviour. Perhaps, this proved that there was momentum in short-run share prices. Furthermore, the scholars Lo, Mamaysky and Wang (2000) employed advanced nonparametric statistical methods which detect patterns. Also, they used a number of stock price signals which demonstrated that the stocks prices experience predictive ability to a certain extent. Additionally, many economists as well as psychologists with a bias in behavioural finance believe that short-run momentum adheres to psychological feedback mechanisms. This means that people often observe a stock price increasing and become attracted to the stock market in a manner that describes a bandwagon effect. In this connection, Shiller (2015) attributed the coming to lime light of the United States stock market in the course of 1990s to psychological influence. As a consequence, the U.S stock market experienced irrational exuberance. Further, the behaviourists argued that the short-run momentum was caused by the behaviour of investors failing to react to the information intruding the market accordingly. If for any reason, the complete effect of crucial news announcement can be tapped within some time, then the stock prices can demonstrate a positive serial correlation. Nevertheless, many factors interplay to offer contradicting implications on whether it holds that the share prices do not follow a random walk. To start with, since the stock market does not display a perfect example of a random walk, it is crucial to strike the difference between statistical as well as economic significance. Markedly, the statistical variables that influence the momentum are negligible which, in other words, imply that cannot allow investors to make abnormal profits. Any individual incurring transaction costs are less probably to institute a trading strategy while relying on the momentum obtained in these researches which will stand out against a buy-and-hold approach. On this note, Camerer et al. (2011) proposed that momentum investors rarely benefit from abnormal profits. On the contrary, some of these investors gained lesser profits in comparison to buy-and-hold investors at the time of candid, positive momentum established through statistical techniques. This is due to the presence of transaction costs which optimises any level of momentum that is available. In a similar fashion, Abraham (2014) found out that standard strategies are not lucrative due to trading costs associated with their implementation. Secondly, as a behavioural theory on bandwagon effects as well as under reaction to the latest information may appear sufficiently reasonable, the proof that such impacts happen in a systematic manner in the equity market is inadequate. For instance, Fama (1998) investigated the significant collection of empirical studies on events studies which tailored towards establishing whether equity prices behave efficiently to new announcements in the market. In this case, the events encompassed announcements on return surprises, share splits, activities on dividends, mergers, latest exchange listings as well as IPO or initial public offerings. Fama found out that clear under reaction to new information is as obvious as an overreaction. Also, he established that post event consistency of abnormal returns occurred in the same manner as post event reversals. Furthermore, Fama indicated that the majority of return inconsistencies occurred only in situations where specific models are used. Howeve r, these findings tend to diminish when a variety of models for anticipated normal earnings are employed to incorporate risks. This occurs in tandem with the use of distinct statistical approaches are employed. For instance, research that offers identical weights on post announcement earnings of various stocks can give rise to varying findings from research that allocates weights to the stocks based on their intrinsic value. Long-Run Return Reversals As discussed in the short-run, the returns are determined using a number of days and the common argument countering market efficiency entails the occurrence of positive serial correlation. However, various studies have proved that there is negative serial correlation within an extended period. At some point, this is referred to as return reversals. For instance, Fama and French (1988) established that twenty-five to forty percent of the changes in long-term earnings can be projected on the basis of negative correlation with previous earnings. Likewise, Poterba and Summers (1988) confirmed that there is a significant mean reversion exhibited by stock market returns in the long-run. A number of researchers have claimed that this projection is caused by the behaviour of the share prices to overreact. In this connection, DeBondt and Thaler (1985) contended that investors are influenced by optimism as well as pessimism which make prices diverge systematically from their basic values and afterward exhibit mean reversion. These scholars attributed this overreaction to previous events is in tandem with the hypothesis of behavioural decision suggested by Camerer et al., (2011). This theory states that investors are intrinsically overconfident in their efforts to project future share prices. These results add weight to investment methods that subscribe to contrarian strategy. Contrarian strategy involves purchasing of stocks that have seemed unattractive over a long period and shying off from stocks that are characterized by long-term run-ups. Although there is significant evidence to substantiate negative long-run relationship in the stock earnings, the results indicated by mean reversion has proved to differ across various researches. In particular, this correlation has shown a different degree of strengths from one period to the other. Notably, the strongest empirical is manifested in times like the Great Depression. This period gives rise to stock patterns that do not give a definitive generalization. Furthermore, these mean reversals, in general, may demonstrate a behaviour that tallys with market efficiency. The rationale for this is that they are partially engendered by interest rate volatility as well as the interest rate behaviour to return reverse. Because of the condition that stock return has to increase or decrease to increase its competition with earning from the bonds, it is likely that there will be fluctuations in the interest rate accordingly. In the instances where interest rate adjusts back to the mean within certain duration, this changing pattern will give rise to return reversals such that the pattern corresponds to the efficient market operation. Furthermore, it may be difficult to generate profits when single stocks show return reversal behaviour. Fluck et al.(1997) modelled a strategy that involved buying of stocks within thirteen-year duration in the course of the 1980s as well as early 1990s which experienced poor earnings over the previous 3-5 years. These scholars established that equity with extremely low returns within the 3-5 years duration displayed greater earnings in the subsequent periods. On the other hand, the shares characterized by high earnings within the previous 3-5 years demonstrated lower earnings in the subsequent periods. Therefore, it was concluded that there is extremely strong statistical proof of mean returns. Nevertheless, the scholars also established that earnings in the subsequent period were indifferent to both groups. For this reason, the scholars were unable to prove that contrarian strategy would give rise to higher-than-average returns. Therefore, it can be concluded that although strong s tatistical pattern associated with mean returns was manifested, no indication was available that confirm that market inefficiency would empower investors to realise abnormal earnings. Impact of 2007-2008 Financial Crisis on EMH The recent fall in economic performance, as well as turmoil experienced in the financial market coined as the global financial crisis, was condemned for the failure of the financial markets between 2007 and 2008 internationally(Milner, 2009). In this regard, the concept of EMH has been employed by many scholars to explain the effect of the financial crisis. Indeed, the financial crisis paved the way for fresh scrutiny as well as a critique on the EMH. Notably, market strategists such as Grantham asserted absolutely that the efficient market hypothesis accounted for the financial crisis in that the trust in the EMH made corporate leaders to acute underestimation of the consequences of occurrence of asset bubbles (Nocera, 2009) .This is evidenced by the words of Roger Lowenstein(Fox, 2016). In the meeting organised by International Organisation of Securities Commissions, the debate on EMH was among the key agenda. In the meeting, Martin Wolf- the premier Financial Times staff- rejected the fact that EMH is not related to the real operation of the market. In the same meeting, McCulley- the MD of PIMCO presented a subtle view that EMH had not failed, though had a lot of errors in its application as it ignored the human nature (Stevenson, 2009). In addition, Posner Richard deviated from the EMH and exerted more weight on Keynesian economics. In his criticism, he contradicted some prevailing perspectives by maintaining that the decision to liberate the financial sector had exceeded the limits through exaggerating the pliability of laissez-faire capitalism (Cassidy, 2010). Despite the criticisms, the effect of financial crisis on EMH was grounded on two major conceptions. To start with, the perspective that competition puts in force a relation between revenues as well as costs. This implies that, in a scenario of abnormal profits, new entry lowers the costs. Secondly, there is a perspective of treating fluctuations in asset prices as determined by the information flow in the equity market. When these two perspectives are used jointly, the EMH results as noted by Ball (2009). This basic conception offers more insights on a startling projection on financial market response to any information that is freely made public. In competitive equilibrium situations, the returns derived from the use of information released to the public ought to commensurate with the cost incurred in using it. However, in reality, public information is priceless which implies that it is freely found. As consequence, the returns associated with such information ought to be equated to zero (Kim, Shamsuddin and Lim, 2011). Therefore, no one can earn abnormal profits from such information that has been factored in the prices. During the financial crisis, it was established that the assumption of efficient market was relaxed (Ball, 2009). This implied that the market prices did not reflect all the information that was available on the market. As such, there was an asset bubble which was characterised by increasing and falling of stock prices by huge differences than usual. At this point, some prudent investors benefited from the opportunity that was presented by the market. At the same time, a number of investors recorded significant losses. Conclusion From the essay, it is apparent that there is diversified and contradicting opinion about the validity of the efficient market hypothesis. In the essay, if the stock price demonstrated random walk behaviour, the equity market was regarded as of Weak-form market efficiency. On the other hand, if the stock prices indicated that it does not follow random walk behaviour then it was regarded as inefficient. This meant that the previous stock data can be used to predict future prices. On this note, some studies found out that the stock prices exhibit random walk behaviour. In particular, this studies include Cootner (1964), Lo and MacKinlay (1999) and Fama(1998). Conversely, Lo, Mamaysky and Wang (2000) established that there is some degree of predictability in the stock market. The EMH acknowledges the fact that it is difficult for any investor to make supernormal profit in an efficiently operating stock market. Furthermore, the global financial crisis was associated with the EMH. However, it has been argued that it is incorrect to assume that EMH caused the market bubbles. Instead, the essay has clarified that the occurrence of the financial crisis is pegged on overreliance on the belief of EMH. During this time, some the prevailing assumption of EMH did not hold which resulted in the famous global financial crisis. References Abraham, S. M. (2014) Testing International Momentum Strategies between Chinese and Australian Financial Markets,International Journal of Financial Research,5(1), p.1. Ball, R. (2009) The global financial crisis and the efficient market hypothesis: What have we learned?,Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,21(4),pp. 8-16. Camerer, C. F. Loewenstein, G. and Rabin, M. (Eds.). (2011)Advances in behavioral economics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Cassidy, J. (2010) After the Blowup - The New Yorker. [Online] The New Yorker. Available at: [Accessed 24 Jun. 2016]. Cootner, P. H. (1964) The random character of stock market prices. Cambridge, Mass: MIT press De Bondt, W. F. and Thaler, R. H. (1995) Financial decision-making in markets and firms: A behavioral perspective,Handbooks in operations research and management science,9, pp.385-410. Fama, E. F. (1998) Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance, Journal of financial economics,49(3),pp.283-306. Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (1988) Permanent and temporary components of stock prices,The Journal of Political Economy, pp.246-273. Fluck, Z. Malkiel, B. G. and Quandt, R. E. (1997) The predictability of stock returns: A cross-sectional simulation,Review of Economics and Statistics,79(2), pp.176-183. Fox, J. (2016) Book Review: 'The Myth of the Rational Market' by Justin Fox. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jun. 2016]. Kim, J. H. Shamsuddin, A. and Lim, K. P. (2011) Stock return predictability and the adaptive markets hypothesis: Evidence from century-long US data,Journal of Empirical Finance,18(5), pp.868-879. Lo, A. W. and MacKinlay, A. C. (2002) A non-random walk down Wall Street. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Lo, A. W., Mamaysky, H., Wang, J. (2000). Foundations of technical analysis: Computational algorithms, statistical inference, and empirical implementation.The journal of finance,55(4), 1705-1770. Milner, B. (2009) Sun finally sets on notion that markets are rational. [Online] The Globe and Mail. Available at: [Accessed 24 Jun. 2016]. Nocera, J. (2009) Poking Holes in a Theory on Markets. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jun. 2016]. Poterba, J. M. and Summers, L. H. (1988) Mean reversion in stock prices: Evidence and implications, Journal of financial economics,22(1), pp. 27-59. Sewell, M. (2012) The efficient market hypothesis: Empirical evidence, International Journal of Statistics and Probability,1(2), p.164. Shiller, R. J. (2015)Irrational exuberance. Princeton: Princeton university press. Stevenson, T. (2009) Investors are finally seeing the nonsense in the efficient market theory. [Online] Available at:
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Life of Pi free essay sample
Thesis: Each animal served as essential companions on Pis Journey through their company, the lessons they taught, and the faith they gave for Pi to keep living, that ultimately, through their natures alone, allowed pi to triumph in the face of defeat. (-Hyena the vicious, cannibalistic cook from the ship, kills both the zebra and the orangutang, plainly represents the ruthless evil in the world Zebra a young Chinese sailor whose leg is broken, represents the vulnerable things in life and how they are attacked (like by the hyena who eats the zebra inside-out) 0rangutang Pis mother, represents safety and protection, earlier described as a Holy Mary mother figure (and we find out she was) ) She came floating on an island of bananas in a halo of light, as lovely as the Virgin Mary. The rising sun was behind her. Her flaming hair looked stunning. (2. 42. 1) Pi sees her coming almost like a saviour, he says she is seen in a halo of light Just like how an angel is described. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She symbolizes hope in Pis Journey that he is able to overcome all that he is going through right now, and also gives him faith that salvation can come, Just like she did. How the animals serve as humane company through Pis Journey, he had no one but these animals, orange Juice served as his mother which gave him reassurance each animal helped pi in a different way Teach Pi lessons and enhance his understanding to life each animal taught pi different lessons that will help him survive his Journey Give him the will to keep living all the lessons that each animal has taught P, give him the will to keep living. the crucial live saving lessons, lead Pi to believe that there is hope for him out there everything he learned from the animals helped him Life of Pi free essay sample Animals that escape go from the known into the unknown-and if there is one thing an animal hates above all else, it is the unknown. (Martel 51) Stereotypes are spawned out of peoples hatred and fear for the unknown. Many people in America may believe that all Muslims are terrorists because of no background knowledge into their true religion and beliefs of the Muslim faith. Because these beliefs might differ from the ones that are close to us we see them as a threat and tend to stay away from their thought process.Pi is exceptional in the fact that he is able to overcome the stereotypical boundaries and have a belief in three separate religions that tend not to like one another. The equilibrium Pi has found with his religions is almost nonexistent because of the unaccepting and strong opinionated beliefs many people have in this day and age. Muslims are purely Muslim and Christians are purely Christian, there are not many in-betweens. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The clip below shows a couple that could be perfect for each other except they let their stereotypes and belief systems get in the way.The man feels that he must distance himself as quick as possible from the unknown to be more comfortable. As soon as the woman realizes what he is she feels that she must stay far away from something she does not know and speeds off quickly to return to her known. Because if there is one thing a human hates above all else, it is the unknown. (Tyler, Jeff, Tori, Anna- davis6) Islam ? The fact that the ‘Ulema have failed to diagnose and address the basic ills that plague the Muslim world directly translates into creating an ill repute for the grand faith.Thus, even through humor stems Martel’s critical comment. Islam had a reputation worse than Christianity’s – fewer gods, greater violence, and I never heard anyone say good things about Muslim schools. 4    This criticism arises despite the fact that Martel has at many places subconsciously or perhaps consciously captured Islam quite reasonably. For instance, while on a lifeboat, stranded in the middle of the ocean, Martel’s Pi divides time into five distinct periods and also prays five times.An average day for me, if such a notion can be applied to a castaway, went like this: Sunrise to mid-morning†¦ Mid-morning to late afternoon†¦ Late aft ernoon to early evening†¦ Sunset†¦ Night†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢5    More striking is how Martel captures the notion of faith through a castaway boy, which is so reminiscent of Islam’s definition as complete surrender to God. Faith in God is an opening up, a letting go, a deep trust, a free act of love – but sometimes it was so hard to love. ’7 Hinduism in life of Pi Quotes: I know my surviaval is hard to believe. When I think back, I can hardly believe it myself (Martel 282).You know you have to wonder as well: why is Pi alive to this day telling us of his story? Is it by his wit and will that allowed him to endure the wrath of nature both animal or sea? Or does the reason for Pis survival come down to more than just coincedence, but was someone looking out for him, keeping him safe? So the real question this poses upon all our lives is how we are able to over come such obstucles in our lives by ourselves or is there something helping us along the way. We perished away. It happened slowly, so that I didnt notice it all the time. But I noticed it regularly. We weretwo emaciated mammals, parched and starving. (Martel 301). This brings up another interesting question regaurding life in that you would have to wonder, how do we define life, how do we know we are alive. Some believe it is the experiances we have that no one else could ever imagine or is it the pain we endure. Is that how we all are connected both man and animal, through the suffering that we go through? Is it possible to live a life without pain and still consider it living or is it when we feel something as primal as that is when we know? Nature was sinking fast. I could feel a fatal weakness creeping up on me. I would be dead by the afternoon. (Martel 305).The conversation we had over this quote wouldnt be nessicarly an existential in essance but still an interesting topic nonetheless: how would you behave when you are hours away from death. Being incapabable of doing anything about it, or do anything in general, where would your head be how would you behave? Some of us say we would lose our minds and scream to the winds, some would make peace with god and ourselves, others would strip down naked and run in circles. We believe that it is in the last hours you have left on this earth that our true selves become apparent, so you have to wonder who are you really when the time has come?Hinduism An Overview of Hinduism Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Western religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single system of morality, or a central religious organization. It consists of thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE. 1 Hinduis m has grown to become the worlds third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 837 million followers 13% of the worlds population. 2 It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka.According to the Yearbook of American Canadian Churches, there are about 1. 1 million Hindus in the U. S. 3 The American Religious Identification Survey is believed to be more accurate. 4 They estimated smaller number: 766,000 Hindus in 2001. Still, this is a very significant increase from 227,000 in 1990. Statistics Canada estimates that there are about 157,015 Hindus in Canada. 5 Hinduism is generally regarded as the worlds oldest organized religion. Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic religions. They recognize a single deity, and view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God.Henotheistic and polytheistic religions have traditionally been among the worlds most religiously tolerant faiths. However, until recently, a Hindu nationalistic political party controlled the government of India. The linkage of religion, the national government, and nationalism led to a degeneration of the separation of church and state in India. This, in turn, has decreased the level of religious tolerance in that country. The escalation of anti-Christian violence was one manifestation of this linkage. With the recent change in government, the level of violence will diminish. Life of Pi free essay sample Until the Mathematics lesson, Pin resorted to stunt. He memorized up to hundreds of digits of the mathematic constant Pi and wrote them all on three blackboards. This shocked all the schoolmates and even teachers. Since then no one bullied Pi anymore. From this, we can see that Pi is a courageous, intelligent and tough boy. He was brave enough to stand in front of everyone and to introduce his new name once. He was also a very smart and clever boy as he could memorize approximately hundreds of digits of Pi. Although his schoolmates bullied him, he didn’t give up and pull himself together. He was a resolute person and his character helped him face adversity later in his life. I learnt to be a sturdy and brave person. When we face difficulties or adversity, we should not give up easily and feel discouraged. We must view things from different perspectives and try to use different methods to solve the problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Besides, positive thinking is very important too and we must not escape from the reality.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Strategies to Help You Become an Outstanding Student
Strategies to Help You Become an Outstanding Student More than anything, teachers want to see growth and improvement from all of their students. They want each to become a better student. They understand that their classroom is filled with extreme ranges of intelligence, from low to high. Their job is to differentiate instruction to provide each student with an education that meets their own individual needs. This is both difficult and challenging, but effective teachers are able to make it happen. Becoming an outstanding student does not happen overnight. It is also not the sole responsibility of the teacher. The teacher is only the facilitator of knowledge. The student must come prepared to take in that knowledge, make connections, and be able to apply it to real life situations. This is more natural for some students than it is for others, but everyone can improve and become a better student if they desire to do so. Here are fifteen effective strategies that will help you become an outstanding student. Ask Questions This could not get any simpler. If you do not understand something, ask the teacher for additional help. Teachers are there to help. You should never be afraid of asking a question. It is not embarrassing. It is how we learn. The chances are that there are several other students who have the same question you have. Be Positive Teachers love to work with students who are pleasant and positive. Having a positive attitude will have a positive impact on learning. We all have terrible days. We all have subjects that we just do not like. However, you still need to maintain a positive attitude. A poor attitude can quickly lead to failure. Complete Assignments/Homework Every assignment should be completed and turned in to the teacher. When assignments are not completed, there are two negative outcomes. First, you potentially miss out on learning a new concept, which leaves a gap in learning. Second, your grade will be lower than it should be. Homework may not be fun to do, but it is an essential part of the school and the learning process. Do More than Required The best students go above and beyond. They do more than the minimum. If the teacher assigns twenty problems, they do twenty-five. They seek out learning opportunities. They ask their teachers for additional work, read books/magazines, research ideas online, and are excited about learning. Establish a Routine A structured routine can help you maintain academic focus at home. This routine should include when homework is completed, what extras you are going to do each day, a location for doing it, and an awareness of others in the house so that distractions are minimized. A routine for getting up and going to school each morning can also be beneficial. Follow Directions Following directions and instructions is an essential aspect of being a good student. Not following directions can lead to mistakes that have a negative impact on your grade. Always listen thoroughly to the teacher when she is giving directions or offering instruction. Read written directions at least two times and ask for clarification if you do not understand something. Get a Tutor There is probably an area or multiple areas in which you struggle. Getting a tutor can provide you with a huge advantage. Tutoring is often done on a one-on-one basis which is always beneficial. If you do not know of a tutor, talk to your teacher. Often times, they will volunteer to tutor you or may be able to refer you to someone else who can. Listen in Class This is the single most crucial aspect of being a better student. Teachers actually do know what they are talking about. However, if you are not listening, you cannot learn. If you are easily distracted or struggle with listening, ask your teacher if you can bring a recorder to class. Maintain Focus There are potential distractions around you all the time. Good students stay focused. They do not allow other situations or people to keep them from learning. They put academics first. They have a life outside of school, but they value academics and make it a priority. Read! Read! Read! Good students are often booked worms. Reading is the foundation of learning. Excellent readers excel in both fluency and comprehension. They pick books that are both entertaining and challenging. They use programs such as Accelerated Reader to set goals and check for understanding. Set Goals Everyone should have a set of academic-related goals. This should include both short-term and long term goals. Goals assist in maintaining focus by giving you something to strive to achieve. Goals should be reevaluated and adjusted periodically. When you reach a goal, make a big deal about it. Celebrate your successes. Stay Away from Trouble Avoiding trouble can go far in being academically successful. Getting in trouble often means time spent in the principal’s office. Any time spent in the principal’s office is time lost in the classroom. Making smart choices, including whom you choose to be friends with, is essential to becoming a better student. Stay Organized Organization is a key factor in academic success. The lack of organization skills can lead to disaster. Keep your locker and backpack cleaned and well organized. Keeping an agenda or journal and recording each assignment is a fantastic way to stay on top of things. Study! Study! Study! Study early and study often! Studying is not something that many people enjoy, but it is a necessary skill to possess for academic success. Developing strong study habits is essential. Figure out a method that works well for you and stick with it in individual study time. Take Challenging Classes/Teachers It is okay to be challenged. Pick hard classes and/or teachers if you have a choice. You will be better off in the long run even if your grades are a little lower. It is better to receive a B and learn a lot than to receive an A and learn a little.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The impact of online courses on education. You might focus on a Essay
The impact of online courses on education. You might focus on a particular field of study for this choice I would focus on business - Essay Example Online education is one of the most important alternatives that can provide students time and new ideas for business oriented decisions. This essay will discuss about the impacts of online education on Master of Business Administration. Online education has been doubted by many people because of the change in the educational trend (Green, 2000). In the modern world Online education is accepted by students because of various reasons. Students who choose online education courses mostly belong from middle or lower class group and they prefer to work while they are studying. Master of Business Administration is a course that is available for business studies. Students participating in M.B.A. mostly have a tendency to become young entrepreneurs. Online educations have been able to shift the paradigm that has helped students to think in a creative manner because they are exposed to numerous knowledge forums rather than a single opinion of a particular text. Education should focus on business for solutions to its problems (Levy, 2003). Education does not simply mean a classroom with many students and a faculty standing in front of them. The implementation of technology is a positive way to achieve educational goals. Students getting knowledge through online education also get the support of faculties online. There are course materials provided to students through online web sites that offer the courses. In the traditional class-room there is a lack of innovation despite of prescribed texts and support from online materials. (Pierce, 2007) Students who go to college and sit in classroom have notion that they have to complete the syllabus provided to them in a stipulated amount of time but the creative thinking in the mind of students do-not get proper space to boost up. M.B.A. is a course that helps students to understand the working of organizations. The job profile and responsibility of an employee is well described in the course
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Impact of culture on online consumer purchase decision Thesis Proposal
Impact of culture on online consumer purchase decision - Thesis Proposal Example The present research has identified that the advent of the internet in the business has significantly transformed the business. Organizations are making constant efforts to win the customer on multiple channels. Immense literature has been developed to explore the impact of different factors on the consumer purchase decision. The increasing role of the internet has led the researchers to explore the factors that play an effective role in driving consumer to transact online. Culture as a factor has received limited attention. Hence, the problem statement for this proposed study is an exploration of the role of culture on the whole in affecting the consumer purchase decision while making an online transaction. The aim of the study refers to the central idea around which the entire study revolves. With this definition at work, the aim of this study is to determine the impact of culture on the purchase decision of the consumer while making an online transaction. With this aim, following objectives are planned to be achieved: In the light of a specific definition of the culture, identification of a specific set of factors that determine the culture. Â Exploration of the impact of culture on consumer decision-making process. Exploration of the difference in consumer decision making process in online and offline transaction. Exploration of different factors of culture on the online consumer decision making process.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Tiziano Vecellios Art Style and the Italian Renaissance
Tiziano Vecellios Art Style and the Italian Renaissance In history, art has changed frequently. With new concepts and experimental ways, the new art forms slowly become accepted by society, while the previous techniques fade into the background; however, the old techniques are not forgotten. Within every era, the new techniques that come from the creative minds and their ideas, have established more from the inspiration of old skills, like the change from Renaissance to Mannerism; this lead to the furthering of different art styles in the future generations. Background info on genre, time period and country of origin The Italian Renaissance was the arising point of modern age. The period stretched from 1400 to 1550, originating from Florence, Italy. It was the revival of scientific and artistic innovations. It was also the revitalization of Greek and Roman learning. This essential time period linked the relation of the middle ages to the modern age. The Italian Renaissance was split into two phases, the Early Renaissance and the High Renaissance. The High Renaissance, at the climax of Renaissance art from 1500 to 1525, was the result of the culmination of the different artistic progression of the Early Renaissance. During the 1520s of the Italian Renaissance, High Renaissance was exaggerated to Mannerism. The High Renaissance was an era that brought total creative genius to the world in history. Characterisitcs of art being done during that time and mediums used The changes in art during the Italian Renaissance were clearly seen in paintings and sculptures. While the artists continued to use religious subject matter, they combined the idea with the principles of the human figure and the appeal in depicting nature. Artists began experimenting with their paintings by using oil-based paints, which were workable for several months due to the slow drying pace of the paints. The fresco technique, developed during the Italian Renaissance and used by artists like Michelangelo, involved painting on plasters walls. Light and perspective was familiarized to give a sense of reality through three-dimensional imagery. Artists gained new insight and techniques to their concept of space and form in the Italian Renaissance, which has thus changed art forever. Background info on artist Tiziano Vecellio, also more famously known as Titian, was one of the greatest artists of the High Rennaissance. He was born in Pieve di Cadore, Italy. The year of his birth is highly disputed between scholars, but it is believed to be between 1477 and 1488. As a young boy, he was an apprentice to Giovanni Bellinni, another outstanding painter in Italy at the time. In 1508, the now young independent painter, Titian, joined the Venetian painter, Giorgione to beautify the facade of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice. Titians work was mistaken as a new and improved style of Giorgione. The teamwork between the two artists led to more art collaboration; together, they explored oil painting techniques, by ways like directly applying an undiluted medium on the canvas. At the death of Giovanni Bellini in 1516, it left Titian with no adversary in Venice, which let him receive his old masters job as the official painter to the Republic. His first major public commission was the Assumption of the Virgin which was painted for the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari in Venice. In 1533, he was appointed as the court painter of Charles V, the most powerful man of the century, being Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the King of Spain. In 1548, he spent nine months in Augsburg with the Imperial Court. After half a decade, he commences a series of poesie for Phillip II in 1554. Although Titian was not a man of much education, he was one of great talent. Titian was an elegant and charming man who was also attractive and interesting in conversation, which made it easy for him to build relationships and connections with powerful people. Over the span of twenty years, Titian created relationships and connections with princely patronage, while continuing work for other Venetian churches. As he grew older, his eyesight worsened and his hand control was weakening. Unfortunately, during a plague outbreak, Titian died, on August 27, 1576, as a rich and famous man. He was interred into the Church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. His universal reputation continues to be known to this modern day. Styles and techniques used by artist Titian was an infamous Venetian painter during the High Renaissance. He was known for his bright rich colours and his bold brush work. The bold use of colour and the lush sumptuous layers were the result of much preparation, the medium used and the surface chosen. Mythological paintings, religious paintings, portraits, and churches were just some of the works he accomplished. His artwork should be viewed from a distance to get the as it was desired to be seen. Much of his skills were influenced by Giorgione, where he improved his style with new elements and perfection. From 1530 to 1550, his approach and style became more and more dramatic. The unique practices Titian painted with combined with his great talent were what made him an amazing painter. As Titian matured as an artist, he had as specific methods to his paintings. First, he sketched his pictures with loads of colour that forms the groundwork of the work of art. For up to several months, without looking, he left his composition facing a wall. He then returned to them to build up figures, make changes, and correct any wrongs. When retouching his working, he dealt with highlights by harmonizing colours and tones by rubbing the composition with his fingers. An alternate way was by adding strokes and bright spots with his fingers to perfect his work. As he grew older, he began to paint with his fingers more. He believed that It is not bright colors but good drawing that makes figures beautiful. Detailed analysis of artwork Titians masterpiece, Bacchanal of the Andrians, shows that it is a complete success through design elements. The composition of the work of art is arranged with the human figures spread out evenly across the horizontal span of the canvas. The colours involved are rich and bold; they are not too bright to be overtaking the whole piece. The harmonic bond between the tones and colour that is used by Titian is infamous. The contrast in colour between the two sides balances each other out. The contrast in colour in the dress of the dancing couple compared to the rest of the drinking people, bring it out two a secondary focal point. With naked woman in the corner as the focal point, it brings the eyes throughout the painting, from the focal point to the dancing couple to the other people. Bachannal of the Adrians seems to be interpreting a message of celebration. This may be the possibility of a marriage due to the dancing couple in bolder colours and the amount of activities (drinking, partying, and sheet music) involved. However, these actions could also indicate a celebration due to the homecoming of an important person. The characters involved in the work of art have great meaning too. The woman in the white dress may represent innocence; the other ladies may represent vulnerability and jealousy as seen from their positioning and facial emotions. The nude men surrounding the other women may represent lust and want, as they are in some way in contact, physically or optically, to the women. Conclusion New art techniques were and still are developed through time. Titian, one of the greatest artists of the high Renaissance, was one who established new skills and techniques from others through his life that inspired others to create more throughout history. There are many steps involved in art to fuel to this advancement. According to Titian, Painting done under pressure by artists without the necessary talent can only give rise to formlessness, as painting is a profession that requires peace of mind.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
What changes are planned for Portobello road in the near future?
After investigating how Portobello road was like 10 years ago, how it is like today and why these changes have occurred, there is a noticeable land use pattern that is changing as technology develops and more improvements are proposed by the council. One of the main goals for the government is to bring down the unemployment rates to below the average in inner London (see figure on page ) in order to achieve the goal, the council are going to offer a grant up to a maximum of i300 to each person aged 25 and over, this will enable them to purchase any items which are required in their job descriptions such as tools or clothes for interviews. The royal borough are also planning to organise a youth training centre which delivers NVQ levels 1 and 2, literacy, numeracy and key skills qualifications, and are hoping to offer skills training to 16- 18 year olds, many of whom have no educational qualifications. Although these solutions may tackle the problem of unemployment, it is not guaranteed that everyone will use the grant given, to purchase work items, and as a result a lot of money will be wasted. The council also want to offer the royal borough a better quality of life, by making the area cleaner, safer, healthier and more attractive as a place in which to live and work. One of the ways in which to do this would be to for the council to keep its own detrimental impacts on the environment to the lowest practical levels. The environmental services department are also aiming to improve street cleansing and improve trade waste collection services. It aims to get 60% of businesses involved in recycling by 2003. It is also piloting a cycle delivery scheme in Portobello road. All these improvements will improve the quality of life for residents and will also increase tourism, which will be financially, a benefit to the trade on Portobello road. Above were the general improvements being proposed for the whole borough, but is more useful to study the improvements being proposed for the 3 main sections of Portobello road. Proposed improvements for the Northern section of Portobello road (Goldbourne ward) One of the proposals for this area is to make this part of the road a one way southbound in order to avoid congestion, heavy traffic, noise pollution and gas emissions, and so reducing the number of accidents, and therefore increasing the safety for pedestrians. Hopefully this proposal will attract more visitors and there will be more trade. The council also intend on improving the maintenance of shops, so they look more attractive and visible, and therefore gain more passing trade (mostly from tourism). However this approach may prove to be a disadvantage, as the increase in tourism would result in conflict between local residents and tourists and so resulting to high crime rate. The third proposal that will be put forward by the council, concerning this part of the road is to improve street lighting and ensure that brighter lighting will reduce the number of car accidents and bring crime rates to a minimum. Finally, improving direction signs and providing simple market maps near tube stations and shops, should encourage more tourists, and allow them to feel more comfortable finding their way around the area. Proposed improvements for the Central section of Portobello road (Colville ward) The central section of Portobello road is also in need for improvement, and therefore a number of proposals have been made, taking into account that this part of the road is dominated by the fruit market and so remains active all week. The first proposal being made to the central section is the removal of on street parking, because the continual presence of traders' vans prevent easy access to the shops on the Westside of the street and also provide an additional cover for an on street crime. Also on weekdays pedestrian flows are higher in this section then anywhere else on the road, (as shown in the flow chart fig. 2. 11) so the removal of on street parking on these days at least would provide a more relaxed and attractive shopping environment, which would turnover the general appearance of the area for the better. Another proposal being suggested is to revise a one-way system to reduce traffic, and so avoiding accidents and providing a safe environment for the visitors and pedestrians. In order to encourage more midweek trading the council have also proposed for large eight feet by nine fit pitches to trade upon. The council have also made a proposition to start a customer complaint system, as in the black cab trade, this should hopefully allow the customers to come forward about any queries involving the market trade, i. . reporting tatty shop fronts, to generally improve the appearance of the area, etc. The main problems caused in this section are linked to the arrival of major chain stores such as Tesco and Woolworth's, which are inevitably continuing to raise standards in their search for more market share, and therefore continuing to grow in number, both in terms of floor space and profits. However any expansion of these major stores must be at the expense of retailers elsewhere, such as small family businesses. One of the reasons why chain stores are successful is because their range of goods are continually expanding, quality control standards are high and customers are allowed to select items of their own choice under a spacious, convenient and comfortable environment. In order to match up to these standards, small businesses will be encouraged to improve the range of goods on offer, provide a high standard of display, increase shopper comfort, introduce a customer complaint system and reduce the level of rubbish on the street. The council will also provide a larger pitch for local stores to trade upon. Proposed Improvements for the Antique section of Portobello road (Pembridge ward) This section of Portobello road remains active all weekend, and benefits largely from tourism. Therefore the propositions being put forward by the council have been modelled so that they would not result in a significant reduction in the retail function of this area. The 1st proposal being put forward concerns the issue of on street parking which is usually illegal, this need to be removed in order to relieve pedestrian congestion on Saturdays and give Saturday antique traders the chance to unload and load directly from Portobello road, this should hopefully reduce conflict between drivers and pedestrians, however this would result in parking difficulties for most residents as their spaces would get occupied by the large number of customers who wish to park their cars. Restrictions to vehicle access to residents between 10-2pm needs to be enforced in order to remove any possibility of vehicle -pedestrian conflict on Saturday to provide visitors with a spacious, relaxed, car free environment. The council have also proposed to have better pedestrian crossing facilities at Portobello road and west borne grove junction, in order to increase the safety of visitors and other pedestrians. Widening the pavements across the road would provide visitors with a single large through fare with attractive displays of goods on both sides. The council have proposed improvements to street lighting in all three sections of the road, in order to keep crime rates at a minimum and increase the levels of safety. Direction signs and street maps are also up for improvement in order to make them clearer and allow customers to move around freely and so to encourage trade. Promotion and advertisement on all parts of the road have been encouraged, in order to publicise the road and gain more passing trade.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Every person in this world has morals and ethics that are differ from other. If people do not respect their morals and ethics, then obviously they do not respect their selves. For instance, respecting the time or punctuality is surely included in the personal ethics. It is important for each person to be punctual because it is conveys the personal ethics and increases the trusts of others. Academically, not being punctual will cause the student to miss information, failing classes and lose respect.The most significant effect of not being punctual is the student will miss classes, and that’s will cause the students to miss information. This information could range from pop quizzes to homeworks due dates. Furthermore, if the students permanently come late to the classes or misses it, they would not know about the homeworks due date or any information about it. Additionally, the students who are not punctual have a bigger chance of having lower grades on pop quizzes. Consequently , not respecting time will absolutely determine the total grade.Also, if the student has an assigned presentation to do and he/she are not punctual, he/she will fail to present what is assigned for them. Ultimately, the few minutes the students miss means more grades to lose. Secondly, the consequences of losing grades are apparently failing the classes. As a result, the student will have a lower GPA and will be dismissed from the university. The only thing that each student does not want to have is a low GPA, and that is why they study hard and put more effort on it.As a consequence, the A student is always punctual and will never miss any class. Because of having a lower GPA and not respecting punctuality, the student will be dismissed from the university. Surely no student wants to be dismissed from the university but punctuality is one of the unbreakable rules of the university. Accordingly, the student will face a hard time getting accepted from other universities, which most p robably will reject the admission request because of not respecting punctuality.One of the main effects of not being punctual, that the student will lose instructors, classmates and family respect. Firstly, the student who does not respect the class time and always comes late will lose the respect of the instructor. As a result, the instructors won’t be helpful to these students when it comes to the grades. Furthermore, the classmates will lose faith and trust on those who are not punctual. Because of their habits they can’t be trusted especially when it comes to studying and doing a group projects.Also, after being dismissed from the university and basically losing all the opportunities of having a good life, the family will not respect the unpunctual student and will treats them as a child. Because they spent so much money and time, and they are rewarded by being unpunctual. Finally, Punctuality is substantial and it must be respected from all the people. It is a mir ror for people’s ethics and countries culture. Personally, I would not go to the class rather than going late. Each student has to be punctual when it comes to class attendance, because it is one of the keys of academic success. Punctuality Every person in this world has morals and ethics that are differ from other. If people do not respect their morals and ethics, then obviously they do not respect their selves. For instance, respecting the time or punctuality is surely included in the personal ethics. It is important for each person to be punctual because it is conveys the personal ethics and increases the trusts of others. Academically, not being punctual will cause the student to miss information, failing classes and lose respect.The most significant effect of not being punctual is the student will miss classes, and that’s will cause the students to miss information. This information could range from pop quizzes to homeworks due dates. Furthermore, if the students permanently come late to the classes or misses it, they would not know about the homeworks due date or any information about it. Additionally, the students who are not punctual have a bigger chance of having lower grades on pop quizzes. Consequently , not respecting time will absolutely determine the total grade.Also, if the student has an assigned presentation to do and he/she are not punctual, he/she will fail to present what is assigned for them. Ultimately, the few minutes the students miss means more grades to lose. Secondly, the consequences of losing grades are apparently failing the classes. As a result, the student will have a lower GPA and will be dismissed from the university. The only thing that each student does not want to have is a low GPA, and that is why they study hard and put more effort on it.As a consequence, the A student is always punctual and will never miss any class. Because of having a lower GPA and not respecting punctuality, the student will be dismissed from the university. Surely no student wants to be dismissed from the university but punctuality is one of the unbreakable rules of the university. Accordingly, the student will face a hard time getting accepted from other universities, which most p robably will reject the admission request because of not respecting punctuality.One of the main effects of not being punctual, that the student will lose instructors, classmates and family respect. Firstly, the student who does not respect the class time and always comes late will lose the respect of the instructor. As a result, the instructors won’t be helpful to these students when it comes to the grades. Furthermore, the classmates will lose faith and trust on those who are not punctual. Because of their habits they can’t be trusted especially when it comes to studying and doing a group projects.Also, after being dismissed from the university and basically losing all the opportunities of having a good life, the family will not respect the unpunctual student and will treats them as a child. Because they spent so much money and time, and they are rewarded by being unpunctual. Finally, Punctuality is substantial and it must be respected from all the people. It is a mir ror for people’s ethics and countries culture. Personally, I would not go to the class rather than going late. Each student has to be punctual when it comes to class attendance, because it is one of the keys of academic success.
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