Thursday, March 26, 2020
Life of Pi free essay sample
Thesis: Each animal served as essential companions on Pis Journey through their company, the lessons they taught, and the faith they gave for Pi to keep living, that ultimately, through their natures alone, allowed pi to triumph in the face of defeat. (-Hyena the vicious, cannibalistic cook from the ship, kills both the zebra and the orangutang, plainly represents the ruthless evil in the world Zebra a young Chinese sailor whose leg is broken, represents the vulnerable things in life and how they are attacked (like by the hyena who eats the zebra inside-out) 0rangutang Pis mother, represents safety and protection, earlier described as a Holy Mary mother figure (and we find out she was) ) She came floating on an island of bananas in a halo of light, as lovely as the Virgin Mary. The rising sun was behind her. Her flaming hair looked stunning. (2. 42. 1) Pi sees her coming almost like a saviour, he says she is seen in a halo of light Just like how an angel is described. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She symbolizes hope in Pis Journey that he is able to overcome all that he is going through right now, and also gives him faith that salvation can come, Just like she did. How the animals serve as humane company through Pis Journey, he had no one but these animals, orange Juice served as his mother which gave him reassurance each animal helped pi in a different way Teach Pi lessons and enhance his understanding to life each animal taught pi different lessons that will help him survive his Journey Give him the will to keep living all the lessons that each animal has taught P, give him the will to keep living. the crucial live saving lessons, lead Pi to believe that there is hope for him out there everything he learned from the animals helped him Life of Pi free essay sample Animals that escape go from the known into the unknown-and if there is one thing an animal hates above all else, it is the unknown. (Martel 51) Stereotypes are spawned out of peoples hatred and fear for the unknown. Many people in America may believe that all Muslims are terrorists because of no background knowledge into their true religion and beliefs of the Muslim faith. Because these beliefs might differ from the ones that are close to us we see them as a threat and tend to stay away from their thought process.Pi is exceptional in the fact that he is able to overcome the stereotypical boundaries and have a belief in three separate religions that tend not to like one another. The equilibrium Pi has found with his religions is almost nonexistent because of the unaccepting and strong opinionated beliefs many people have in this day and age. Muslims are purely Muslim and Christians are purely Christian, there are not many in-betweens. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The clip below shows a couple that could be perfect for each other except they let their stereotypes and belief systems get in the way.The man feels that he must distance himself as quick as possible from the unknown to be more comfortable. As soon as the woman realizes what he is she feels that she must stay far away from something she does not know and speeds off quickly to return to her known. Because if there is one thing a human hates above all else, it is the unknown. (Tyler, Jeff, Tori, Anna- davis6) Islam ? The fact that the ‘Ulema have failed to diagnose and address the basic ills that plague the Muslim world directly translates into creating an ill repute for the grand faith.Thus, even through humor stems Martel’s critical comment. Islam had a reputation worse than Christianity’s – fewer gods, greater violence, and I never heard anyone say good things about Muslim schools. 4    This criticism arises despite the fact that Martel has at many places subconsciously or perhaps consciously captured Islam quite reasonably. For instance, while on a lifeboat, stranded in the middle of the ocean, Martel’s Pi divides time into five distinct periods and also prays five times.An average day for me, if such a notion can be applied to a castaway, went like this: Sunrise to mid-morning†¦ Mid-morning to late afternoon†¦ Late aft ernoon to early evening†¦ Sunset†¦ Night†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢5    More striking is how Martel captures the notion of faith through a castaway boy, which is so reminiscent of Islam’s definition as complete surrender to God. Faith in God is an opening up, a letting go, a deep trust, a free act of love – but sometimes it was so hard to love. ’7 Hinduism in life of Pi Quotes: I know my surviaval is hard to believe. When I think back, I can hardly believe it myself (Martel 282).You know you have to wonder as well: why is Pi alive to this day telling us of his story? Is it by his wit and will that allowed him to endure the wrath of nature both animal or sea? Or does the reason for Pis survival come down to more than just coincedence, but was someone looking out for him, keeping him safe? So the real question this poses upon all our lives is how we are able to over come such obstucles in our lives by ourselves or is there something helping us along the way. We perished away. It happened slowly, so that I didnt notice it all the time. But I noticed it regularly. We weretwo emaciated mammals, parched and starving. (Martel 301). This brings up another interesting question regaurding life in that you would have to wonder, how do we define life, how do we know we are alive. Some believe it is the experiances we have that no one else could ever imagine or is it the pain we endure. Is that how we all are connected both man and animal, through the suffering that we go through? Is it possible to live a life without pain and still consider it living or is it when we feel something as primal as that is when we know? Nature was sinking fast. I could feel a fatal weakness creeping up on me. I would be dead by the afternoon. (Martel 305).The conversation we had over this quote wouldnt be nessicarly an existential in essance but still an interesting topic nonetheless: how would you behave when you are hours away from death. Being incapabable of doing anything about it, or do anything in general, where would your head be how would you behave? Some of us say we would lose our minds and scream to the winds, some would make peace with god and ourselves, others would strip down naked and run in circles. We believe that it is in the last hours you have left on this earth that our true selves become apparent, so you have to wonder who are you really when the time has come?Hinduism An Overview of Hinduism Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Western religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single system of morality, or a central religious organization. It consists of thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE. 1 Hinduis m has grown to become the worlds third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 837 million followers 13% of the worlds population. 2 It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka.According to the Yearbook of American Canadian Churches, there are about 1. 1 million Hindus in the U. S. 3 The American Religious Identification Survey is believed to be more accurate. 4 They estimated smaller number: 766,000 Hindus in 2001. Still, this is a very significant increase from 227,000 in 1990. Statistics Canada estimates that there are about 157,015 Hindus in Canada. 5 Hinduism is generally regarded as the worlds oldest organized religion. Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic religions. They recognize a single deity, and view other Gods and Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God.Henotheistic and polytheistic religions have traditionally been among the worlds most religiously tolerant faiths. However, until recently, a Hindu nationalistic political party controlled the government of India. The linkage of religion, the national government, and nationalism led to a degeneration of the separation of church and state in India. This, in turn, has decreased the level of religious tolerance in that country. The escalation of anti-Christian violence was one manifestation of this linkage. With the recent change in government, the level of violence will diminish. Life of Pi free essay sample Until the Mathematics lesson, Pin resorted to stunt. He memorized up to hundreds of digits of the mathematic constant Pi and wrote them all on three blackboards. This shocked all the schoolmates and even teachers. Since then no one bullied Pi anymore. From this, we can see that Pi is a courageous, intelligent and tough boy. He was brave enough to stand in front of everyone and to introduce his new name once. He was also a very smart and clever boy as he could memorize approximately hundreds of digits of Pi. Although his schoolmates bullied him, he didn’t give up and pull himself together. He was a resolute person and his character helped him face adversity later in his life. I learnt to be a sturdy and brave person. When we face difficulties or adversity, we should not give up easily and feel discouraged. We must view things from different perspectives and try to use different methods to solve the problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Life of Pi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Besides, positive thinking is very important too and we must not escape from the reality.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Strategies to Help You Become an Outstanding Student
Strategies to Help You Become an Outstanding Student More than anything, teachers want to see growth and improvement from all of their students. They want each to become a better student. They understand that their classroom is filled with extreme ranges of intelligence, from low to high. Their job is to differentiate instruction to provide each student with an education that meets their own individual needs. This is both difficult and challenging, but effective teachers are able to make it happen. Becoming an outstanding student does not happen overnight. It is also not the sole responsibility of the teacher. The teacher is only the facilitator of knowledge. The student must come prepared to take in that knowledge, make connections, and be able to apply it to real life situations. This is more natural for some students than it is for others, but everyone can improve and become a better student if they desire to do so. Here are fifteen effective strategies that will help you become an outstanding student. Ask Questions This could not get any simpler. If you do not understand something, ask the teacher for additional help. Teachers are there to help. You should never be afraid of asking a question. It is not embarrassing. It is how we learn. The chances are that there are several other students who have the same question you have. Be Positive Teachers love to work with students who are pleasant and positive. Having a positive attitude will have a positive impact on learning. We all have terrible days. We all have subjects that we just do not like. However, you still need to maintain a positive attitude. A poor attitude can quickly lead to failure. Complete Assignments/Homework Every assignment should be completed and turned in to the teacher. When assignments are not completed, there are two negative outcomes. First, you potentially miss out on learning a new concept, which leaves a gap in learning. Second, your grade will be lower than it should be. Homework may not be fun to do, but it is an essential part of the school and the learning process. Do More than Required The best students go above and beyond. They do more than the minimum. If the teacher assigns twenty problems, they do twenty-five. They seek out learning opportunities. They ask their teachers for additional work, read books/magazines, research ideas online, and are excited about learning. Establish a Routine A structured routine can help you maintain academic focus at home. This routine should include when homework is completed, what extras you are going to do each day, a location for doing it, and an awareness of others in the house so that distractions are minimized. A routine for getting up and going to school each morning can also be beneficial. Follow Directions Following directions and instructions is an essential aspect of being a good student. Not following directions can lead to mistakes that have a negative impact on your grade. Always listen thoroughly to the teacher when she is giving directions or offering instruction. Read written directions at least two times and ask for clarification if you do not understand something. Get a Tutor There is probably an area or multiple areas in which you struggle. Getting a tutor can provide you with a huge advantage. Tutoring is often done on a one-on-one basis which is always beneficial. If you do not know of a tutor, talk to your teacher. Often times, they will volunteer to tutor you or may be able to refer you to someone else who can. Listen in Class This is the single most crucial aspect of being a better student. Teachers actually do know what they are talking about. However, if you are not listening, you cannot learn. If you are easily distracted or struggle with listening, ask your teacher if you can bring a recorder to class. Maintain Focus There are potential distractions around you all the time. Good students stay focused. They do not allow other situations or people to keep them from learning. They put academics first. They have a life outside of school, but they value academics and make it a priority. Read! Read! Read! Good students are often booked worms. Reading is the foundation of learning. Excellent readers excel in both fluency and comprehension. They pick books that are both entertaining and challenging. They use programs such as Accelerated Reader to set goals and check for understanding. Set Goals Everyone should have a set of academic-related goals. This should include both short-term and long term goals. Goals assist in maintaining focus by giving you something to strive to achieve. Goals should be reevaluated and adjusted periodically. When you reach a goal, make a big deal about it. Celebrate your successes. Stay Away from Trouble Avoiding trouble can go far in being academically successful. Getting in trouble often means time spent in the principal’s office. Any time spent in the principal’s office is time lost in the classroom. Making smart choices, including whom you choose to be friends with, is essential to becoming a better student. Stay Organized Organization is a key factor in academic success. The lack of organization skills can lead to disaster. Keep your locker and backpack cleaned and well organized. Keeping an agenda or journal and recording each assignment is a fantastic way to stay on top of things. Study! Study! Study! Study early and study often! Studying is not something that many people enjoy, but it is a necessary skill to possess for academic success. Developing strong study habits is essential. Figure out a method that works well for you and stick with it in individual study time. Take Challenging Classes/Teachers It is okay to be challenged. Pick hard classes and/or teachers if you have a choice. You will be better off in the long run even if your grades are a little lower. It is better to receive a B and learn a lot than to receive an A and learn a little.
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