Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Conservative vs. Liberal
Conservative vs. Liberal Dimitri Khago PSY/201 Sunday, August 05, 2012 Mariah Degruy Conservatives vs. Liberals Not just as Americans but as human beings we all want the same basic things in our daily lives. We all seek freedom and yearn for prosperity. We all seek for what is fair in life and not just our lives separately, but the lives of our nation’s people. We want less people to suffer as much as possible, especially our children. We all seek the best for our health being. We all want a crime free nation and crime free streets in our communities.We all want a freedom to speak and voice our opinions; yet the one major key argument is how do we achieve all of these? With all that has been going on in our nation’s economy, we begin to analyze one of the very most important, yet controversial political issue that we are facing: Liberal or Conservative? Although we are united as a whole nation, but when concerning our nation’s political policies we are very much divided. Each of us has our own beliefs and our own opinion, but the beauty of this is that this is what makes this country.This belief was instilled in our bloods from the day this great nation was formed, by our political forefathers up until now. We sometimes call these beliefs Left or Right based on the political spectrum. The political spectrum We have learned to become conservative toward the nation, our nation’s people and our nation’s policies, as well as we have learned to become liberal toward the nation, our people and our nation’s policies. Which is right you might ask, that all depends on every individuals different view and opinion to do what is right and best for them?Conservatives and Liberals differ on what they believe is correct for the government. They seek different essential needs, different government program support, different social views, and very different economic views. As humans we all seek the same basic needs to live. These needs are Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness a well-known phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence. We all have the right to lead our own life in which we so choose. We all have the right to have our belief and make our own decisions and stand to our own judgments.The most important matter is that we have the right to do whatever it takes to make ourselves feel happy without harming anyone one stepping over the boundaries of others. In order to protect our individual human rights the bill of rights were established. These laws which allow the people the ability to live by these deserved rights as a human being are what distinguish us from a free person and one who is not free. If one is convicted of a felony these particular laws spoken of are no longer valid to them – the right to vote, the right to serve on a jury, and the right to bear arms are all void.Although some states are adjusting these laws to their own liking, you as a criminal are no longer privil eged to take part in these opportunities because of the crime committed, they are therefore taken away from you â€Å"†¦Other states may permanently ban felons from voting even after being released from prison, parole, and probation, and having paid all their fines. †(State Felon Voting Laws). There are many programs in which our government runs, and many of these programs are the split between the conservative or the liberal side.Liberals seem to view their government better as a larger government and support those programs which make this a reality. These include many programs, but one in particular is welfare. In the eyes of a liberal, this program is looked very highly upon. It helps those in need the ability to stand on their feet and not be out on the street. Although ideally this is a great help, but nowadays in our country, many people seem to take advantage of this opportunity and cheating the rest of society who need this help.With the educational program, a li beral supports not only public schools and a higher teacher salary, but also smaller classroom for the students. They support the idea that the classrooms should not be thirty-plus children, but also smaller more controlled environment†Vouchers take money away from public schools. †(Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. ). Now if you were to ask a conservative about education, they believe in the art of competition â€Å"School vouchers create competition and therefore encourage schools to improve performance. (Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. ). Schools should be all private so that they compete with lower costs and the parents have the opportunity to decide where they want their child to attend, and what kind of education they want for their child. Another program a conservative strongly believes in is canceling all the failed social support programs. Why should a country hold on to a program that is not helping anyone that is in need of the assistance, but financially supporting those well off, and are working and supporting their own families.Although being in the twenty-first century has expanded our view upon socialistic views, conservatives feel that we should not change our ruling on marriage and that it must stay traditional between a man and a woman. Since America was founded on grounds of religious freedom, and the Bible was and is our most highly looked upon views, conservatives feel that we shall stick to these traditional views and not support the idea of abortion or embryonic stem cell research.One must not abort a child, since that is the same as murder â€Å"Abortion is the murder of a human being. †(Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. ). One must also not participate in stem cell research since that too is destroying a life. This is where the argument comes in on the Liberal side. Liberals believe it is not up to us to decide if marriage shall stay between a man and a woman, what is so wrong with a man and man marrying or a woman and woman?Since this country was found on the principles of freedom and the rights to make our own decisions, the personal lives of Americans shall not be dictated by the government because of what they think is right. It has not yet been proven that a fetus inside a woman is a child or a fetus. The argument remains that a child is only a child when it takes its first breath, or that a child is a child when it is conceived. Shouldn’t the mother decide if she wants to give birth to this fetus?She will be bearing all the pain, so it should be her right to decide â€Å"A woman has the right to decide what happens with her body. A fetus is not a human life, so it does not have separate individual rights. †(Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. ). Now if you can save a life wouldn’t you? If you aren’t hurting anyone or anything with embryonic stem cell research, then scientist should be able to harvest these stem cells to help a life â€Å"†¦Stem cell s derived from embryos in the very earliest stages of development; these cells have long been thought by scientists to have an xtraordinary potential for alleviating the suffering caused by conditions ranging from diabetes to Alzheimer's disease to spinal cord injury. †(Gold). Money is what runs the country, one thing these two political stances have in common are the want and need for more jobs. A conservative wants the federal government not to tax the rich as high and should spend so much less. These big businesses should get the tax breaks they want and deserve to increase and generate their revenue, so that they can stimulate and keep the economy stable and grow to be much stronger.Liberal’s on the other hand believe in quite opposite of the conservative behalf they believe that the rich should be taxed more than the poor since they can afford to pay a little extra money in order to have a greater government â€Å"The less government we have, the more liberty we have. †(Amy). They also approach with saying that these big businesses should be taxed more and pay a larger amount of income tax from their profits to help support and provide for Medi-Cal, Medic-Aid, and Welfare.In conclusion regardless on which of side of the political spectrum you stand with; either you are a conservative or a liberal, at the end you center all your opinions to your own political beliefs based on your own personal ethics. With all that has been going on in our nation’s economy, we begin to analyze one of the very most important, yet controversial political issue that we are facing: Liberal or Conservative? You must decide on your own what you feel the essential needs are, government program support, social support, or the economic support you feel your country shall provide you with.References Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs. (2005). Retrieved from http://www. studentnewsdaily. com/conservative-vs-liberal-beliefs/ State Felon Voting Laws. (2012). Retrieved from http://felonvoting. procon. org/view. resource. php? resourceID=286 Amy, D. J. (2007). A Guide to Rebutting Right-Wing Criticisms of Government. Retrieved from http://www. governmentisgood. com/feature. php? fid=14 Gold, R. B. (2004). Embryonic Stem Cell Researchaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬ Old Controversy; New Debate. Retrieved from http://www. guttmacher. org/pubs/tgr/07/4/gr070404. html
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